Brazilian Butt Lift Before And After: Double the Benefits

The Brazilian butt lift is an increasingly popular surgery here along the Gulf Coast and across the country. From celebrities in big cities to moms in small towns, bigger, fuller, shapelier bottoms are definitely trending. In addition to enhancing your buttocks, a Brazilian butt lift removes unwanted fat from other areas of your body, making it the perfect 2-in-1 procedure.

What Happens During a Brazilian Butt Lift?

We take fat from areas such as the hips, waist, stomach, and thighs and use it to add volume to the buttocks. The fat is harvested using liposuction and is then processed using the highly advanced REVOLVE™ system to remove impurities and excess fluid. We inject the purified fat into the buttocks, making sure they appear as natural and smooth as possible.

Most doctors prefer Brazilian butt lifts over implants because fat can be shaped and placed more precisely. Implants are typically used for patients who don’t have enough fat and have difficulty gaining weight.

Woman poking her butt

A BBL in Miami

YOUR BBL in Destin

Surgical Standards & Expertise

Typically performed in surgery centers staffed by for-hire doctors and nurses with varying experience. Often, the surgeon is selected on the day of surgery.

Your procedure is performed in an accredited surgical facility by an experienced team that has completed thousands of BBL procedures. Your surgeon personally reviews your potential results using digital imaging before surgery.

Fat Purification & Graft Quality

Often uses standard fat grafting methods that include a mix of fat cells, damaged cells, and fluids. This variability in fat quality leads to less predictable and shorter-lasting results.

Fat is suctioned into an advanced filtration system, ensuring that 95% of the injected fat cells are healthy and viable for optimal, long-term aesthetic results.

Injection Method

If available, ultrasound guidance might be used.

Ultrasound guidance is always used for the safest, most precise results.

Injection Incision Site Management & Wound Care

Injection site incisions are typically left open for fluid drainage, allowing fluid to leak on your bedding and clothing.

Incisions are carefully closed, minimizing fluid leakage for a cleaner, more sanitary, and more comfortable recovery.

Recovery Environment

Recovery often involves staying in shared post-op accommodations where multiple patients have recovered in the same space.

You recover in the comfort of your own home, ensuring a clean and familiar environment.

Fat Retention & Long-Term Results

Early results appear larger due to significant post-procedure swelling; in many cases, about 50% to 60% of the initial fullness decreases as swelling subsides.

Our expertise keeps your early results true to size; you'll lose about a 15% reduction in volume as your body heals for long-lasting results.

Cost & Convenience

While results can be good, out-of-town patients often face additional costs and inconveniences, including travel expenses, hotel stays, dining out, and bringing a companion for assistance.

Achieve great results without the added hassle—recover comfortably in your own home, with access to your own kitchen and support system, all without the extra travel and lodging costs.

Woman poking her butt

YOUR BBL in Destin

Surgical Standards & Expertise

Your procedure is performed in an accredited surgical facility by an experienced team that has completed thousands of BBL procedures. Your surgeon personally reviews your potential results using digital imaging before surgery.

Fat Purification & Graft Quality

Fat is suctioned into an advanced filtration system, ensuring that 95% of the injected fat cells are healthy and viable for optimal, long-term aesthetic results.

Injection Method

Ultrasound guidance is always used for the safest, most precise results.

Injection Management & Wound Care

Incisions are carefully closed, minimizing fluid leakage for a cleaner, more sanitary, and more comfortable recovery.

Recovery Environment

You recover in the comfort of your own home, ensuring a clean and familiar environment.

Fat Retention & Long-Term Results

Our expertise keeps your early results true to size; you'll lose about a 15% reduction in volume as your body heals for long-lasting results.

Cost & Convenience

Achieve great results without the added hassle—recover comfortably in your own home, with access to your own kitchen and support system, all without the extra travel and lodging costs.

A BBL in Miami

Surgical Standards & Expertise

Typically performed in surgery centers staffed by for-hire doctors and nurses with varying experience. Often, the surgeon is selected on the day of surgery.

Fat Purification & Graft Quality

Often uses standard fat grafting methods that include a mix of fat cells, damaged cells, and fluids. This variability in fat quality leads to less predictable and shorter-lasting results.

Injection Method

If available, ultrasound guidance might be used.

Injection Management & Wound Care

Injection site incisions are typically left open for fluid drainage, allowing fluid to leak on your bedding and clothing.

Recovery Environment

Recovery often involves staying in shared post-op accommodations where multiple patients have recovered in the same space.

Fat Retention & Long-Term Results

Early results appear larger due to significant post-procedure swelling; in many cases, about 50% to 60% of the initial fullness decreases as swelling subsides.

Cost & Convenience

While results can be good, out-of-town patients often face additional costs and inconveniences, including travel expenses, hotel stays, dining out, and bringing a companion for assistance.

Brazilian Butt Lift: What Do Results Look Like?

You can see the 2-in-1 benefits of a Brazilian butt lift in my patient’s before and after photos below. Notice how trim her waist is after the procedure (on the right) and how it enhances the augmentation of her buttocks.

To see more examples of the results you can expect, please visit our before-and-after photo gallery.

How Long Is Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery?

There is a significant healing process with this procedure. For the first 2 to 3 weeks after surgery, we advise patients to minimize any pressure to the area where the fat has been grafted. That means you’ll need to avoid sitting directly on your buttocks, and you’ll have to sleep on your side or stomach. By taking care of the areas that received fat grafts and using the provided compression garments, patients can successfully achieve their desired results. Learn more about how you can prepare for recovery in this blog post.

Who Is a Candidate?

To be a good candidate for this procedure, you should be in good overall health and have a positive outlook with realistic expectations for your results. You should also be close to your ideal weight, with enough fat for liposuction and skin that has good elasticity. If you are unhappy with flat, sagging, asymmetrical, or small buttocks, a Brazilian butt lift may be right for you. You can learn more about who makes a good candidate for this buttock augmentation procedure from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Before & After Brazilian Butt Lift Case 603 View #1 View in Panama City & Pensacola, Florida
Before & After Brazilian Butt Lift
Before & After Brazilian Butt Lift Case 602 View #1 View in Panama City & Pensacola, Florida
Before & After Brazilian Butt Lift
Before & After Brazilian Butt Lift Case 537 View #1 View in Panama City & Pensacola, Florida
Before & After Brazilian Butt Lift
Before & After Brazilian Butt Lift Case 536 View #1 View in Panama City & Pensacola, Florida
Before & After Brazilian Butt Lift

What Results Can I Expect?

The ultimate results from the procedure are fuller buttocks and a thinner waist, flatter tummy, or slimmer thighs. Patients report that their clothes fit better and they feel more confident in tight-fitting clothing and bathing suits. Patients should consider the double value of the Brazilian butt lift procedure in achieving their ideal body curves.

Get Started Today

If you have questions about the procedure or want to know more about your options, request a consultation or call our office at (850) 654-1194. We are happy to help you get the body you’ve always wanted.

4 Responses to Brazilian Butt Lift Before And After: Double the Benefits

  • Gail Campbell Pike says:

    I am 61 years old. I still wear bikinis. I am 5’5” and weigh 110 lbs. I don’t think I have enough body fat for the liposuction Brazilian butt lift. So what would the implants or the liposuction procedure cost?
    Thank you,

    • The Staff at Destin Plastic Surgery says:

      Hi Gail,

      We would be happy to discuss your options with you, including pricing, during a consultation. Dr. Burden will be able to give you individualized recommendations during that time. If you are interested in scheduling a consultation, please give us a call: (850) 654-1194.

    • The Staff at Destin Plastic Surgery says:

      You’re welcome! Stay tuned for new blog posts every month.

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