A Brazilian butt lift is a favorite among our Pensacola and Destin, FL, patients. It can provide you with a youthful, round, and lifted buttock for long-lasting results. With BBL, we use fat from another part of your body, so you not only get the derrière you’ve always wanted, but you can also sculpt other parts of your body at the same time.
What happens during a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Your butt lift journey begins with a preliminary consultation. During this appointment, we will discuss your desires and concerns and create a treatment plan that is customized to you. We also offer some tips for preparing for your Brazilian butt lift in this earlier blog post.
The procedure itself involves 3 steps:
- Liposuction: I will first remove unwanted fat from a predetermined area of your body. Typically, this extraction works best on places like the abdomen, hips, or thighs.
- Purification: The fat cells will then be purified to remove any excess fluid or damaged cells. It is best to use only healthy, high-quality fat cells for your lift.
- Augmentation: Lastly, I will inject the purified fat cells into your buttocks. I make sure to place the injections carefully to create natural-looking contours. You can see some of my patients’ real results in our photo gallery.
When can I get back to the gym?
After the procedure, it is important to get as must rest as possible. However, I also recommend you engage in light activity such as short walks to promote healthy circulation and proper healing. After 2 to 3 weeks, you can begin incorporating hiking, swimming, elliptical training, and other low-impact exercises. You may resume high-intensity workouts after about 4 to 6 weeks. However, it is important to listen to your body. Don’t overexert yourself too soon!

A BBL in Miami
YOUR BBL in Destin
Surgical Standards & Expertise
Typically performed in surgery centers staffed by for-hire doctors and nurses with varying experience. Often, the surgeon is selected on the day of surgery.
Your procedure is performed in an accredited surgical facility by an experienced team that has completed thousands of BBL procedures. Your surgeon personally reviews your potential results using digital imaging before surgery.
Fat Purification & Graft Quality
Often uses standard fat grafting methods that include a mix of fat cells, damaged cells, and fluids. This variability in fat quality leads to less predictable and shorter-lasting results.
Fat is suctioned into an advanced filtration system, ensuring that 95% of the injected fat cells are healthy and viable for optimal, long-term aesthetic results.
Injection Method
If available, ultrasound guidance might be used.
Ultrasound guidance is always used for the safest, most precise results.
Injection Incision Site Management & Wound Care
Injection site incisions are typically left open for fluid drainage, allowing fluid to leak on your bedding and clothing.
Incisions are carefully closed, minimizing fluid leakage for a cleaner, more sanitary, and more comfortable recovery.
Recovery Environment
Recovery often involves staying in shared post-op accommodations where multiple patients have recovered in the same space.
You recover in the comfort of your own home, ensuring a clean and familiar environment.
Fat Retention & Long-Term Results
Early results appear larger due to significant post-procedure swelling; in many cases, about 50% to 60% of the initial fullness decreases as swelling subsides.
Our expertise keeps your early results true to size; you'll lose about a 15% reduction in volume as your body heals for long-lasting results.
Cost & Convenience
While results can be good, out-of-town patients often face additional costs and inconveniences, including travel expenses, hotel stays, dining out, and bringing a companion for assistance.
Achieve great results without the added hassle—recover comfortably in your own home, with access to your own kitchen and support system, all without the extra travel and lodging costs.

YOUR BBL in Destin
Surgical Standards & Expertise
Your procedure is performed in an accredited surgical facility by an experienced team that has completed thousands of BBL procedures. Your surgeon personally reviews your potential results using digital imaging before surgery.
Fat Purification & Graft Quality
Fat is suctioned into an advanced filtration system, ensuring that 95% of the injected fat cells are healthy and viable for optimal, long-term aesthetic results.
Injection Method
Ultrasound guidance is always used for the safest, most precise results.
Injection Management & Wound Care
Incisions are carefully closed, minimizing fluid leakage for a cleaner, more sanitary, and more comfortable recovery.
Recovery Environment
You recover in the comfort of your own home, ensuring a clean and familiar environment.
Fat Retention & Long-Term Results
Our expertise keeps your early results true to size; you'll lose about a 15% reduction in volume as your body heals for long-lasting results.
Cost & Convenience
Achieve great results without the added hassle—recover comfortably in your own home, with access to your own kitchen and support system, all without the extra travel and lodging costs.
A BBL in Miami
Surgical Standards & Expertise
Typically performed in surgery centers staffed by for-hire doctors and nurses with varying experience. Often, the surgeon is selected on the day of surgery.
Fat Purification & Graft Quality
Often uses standard fat grafting methods that include a mix of fat cells, damaged cells, and fluids. This variability in fat quality leads to less predictable and shorter-lasting results.
Injection Method
If available, ultrasound guidance might be used.
Injection Management & Wound Care
Injection site incisions are typically left open for fluid drainage, allowing fluid to leak on your bedding and clothing.
Recovery Environment
Recovery often involves staying in shared post-op accommodations where multiple patients have recovered in the same space.
Fat Retention & Long-Term Results
Early results appear larger due to significant post-procedure swelling; in many cases, about 50% to 60% of the initial fullness decreases as swelling subsides.
Cost & Convenience
While results can be good, out-of-town patients often face additional costs and inconveniences, including travel expenses, hotel stays, dining out, and bringing a companion for assistance.
Will weight fluctuations affect my results?
It’s important to remember that the injected fat cells will behave like the rest of the fat in your body, and it will be susceptible to weight fluctuations. To have the highest chance of long-lasting results, try to maintain a stable weight after your procedure, which is why it is important to be close to your goal weight before your surgery. Small weight changes of 10 to 15 pounds will most likely not change anything, but anything more may affect your results.
What exercises can I do to optimize my results?
Many patients worry that working out will diminish their results. However, glute-strengthening exercises actually have the potential to improve the appearance of your buttocks. There are plenty of exercises you can do to enhance your results:
- Squats: Stand with your legs slightly wider than hip-width. Push through the outside of each foot as you lower down. Contract your glutes as you return to your starting position. Use dumbbells to add resistance.
- Lunges: Step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until your knees are at about a 90-degree angle. Keep the weight on your heels and push back up to your starting position. Add weight to challenge yourself.
- Hip Lift Bridges: Lie faceup with your knees bent and shoulder-width apart. Raise your hips straight up while squeezing your glutes and engaging your abdominal muscles. Lower down slowly and repeat.
The main takeaway is that a healthy lifestyle and stable weight will help you to have long-lasting Brazilian butt lift results. If you want to learn more about your options, request a consultation online or give us a call at (850) 654-1194.
The heading asks the question “how long will it last” However I see “nothing” regarding this…but plenty of skirting the question. Would think that in time the fat that is removed and replaced will flow back to the original areas as nature intended???
Hi Tim,
Thank you for your questions. The results of a Brazilian butt lift should be permanent, but it also imperative that the patient follows all post-operative care instructions, most importantly maintaining a healthy lifestyle and stable weight, in order to have those long-lasting results. It’s a common misconception that fat cells move to other parts of the body, but in fact, a fat cell stays in one place and simply increases or decreases in size as a person experiences weight fluctuations.
Great , informative, helpful info thank you. I want to do this when I’m financially able
Hi Kelly,
We’re happy to hear that the blog post was helpful to you. When you’re ready to schedule a consultation, give us a call at (850) 654-1194.
I have a breast augmentation consultant on oct 29 at 3pm can I get a Brazilian butt consult the same day? I leave in Alabama
Hi Holly,
Please call the office at (850) 654-1194 for all scheduling questions. Thank you!