How To Prepare Your Mind & Body Before a Brazilian Butt Lift

If you want added lift and volume in the buttocks region, a Brazilian butt lift is a great option, giving you a more shapely and perky derrière. This procedure has gained a lot of press over the past few years, and more patients are coming in with photos of Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez as models of what they want for themselves.

Before & After Brazilian Butt Lift Case 536 View #1 View in Panama City & Pensacola, Florida
Before & After Brazilian Butt Lift
Before & After Brazilian Butt Lift Case 543 View #1 View in Panama City & Pensacola, Florida
Before & After Brazilian Butt Lift
Before & After Brazilian Butt Lift Case 513 View #1 View in Panama City & Pensacola, Florida
Before & After Brazilian Butt Lift
Before & After Brazilian Butt Lift Case 603 View #1 View in Panama City & Pensacola, Florida
Before & After Brazilian Butt Lift
Woman poking her butt

A BBL in Miami

YOUR BBL in Destin

Surgical Standards & Expertise

Typically performed in surgery centers staffed by for-hire doctors and nurses with varying experience. Often, the surgeon is selected on the day of surgery.

Your procedure is performed in an accredited surgical facility by an experienced team that has completed thousands of BBL procedures. Your surgeon personally reviews your potential results using digital imaging before surgery.

Fat Purification & Graft Quality

Often uses standard fat grafting methods that include a mix of fat cells, damaged cells, and fluids. This variability in fat quality leads to less predictable and shorter-lasting results.

Fat is suctioned into an advanced filtration system, ensuring that 95% of the injected fat cells are healthy and viable for optimal, long-term aesthetic results.

Injection Method

If available, ultrasound guidance might be used.

Ultrasound guidance is always used for the safest, most precise results.

Injection Incision Site Management & Wound Care

Injection site incisions are typically left open for fluid drainage, allowing fluid to leak on your bedding and clothing.

Incisions are carefully closed, minimizing fluid leakage for a cleaner, more sanitary, and more comfortable recovery.

Recovery Environment

Recovery often involves staying in shared post-op accommodations where multiple patients have recovered in the same space.

You recover in the comfort of your own home, ensuring a clean and familiar environment.

Fat Retention & Long-Term Results

Early results appear larger due to significant post-procedure swelling; in many cases, about 50% to 60% of the initial fullness decreases as swelling subsides.

Our expertise keeps your early results true to size; you'll lose about a 15% reduction in volume as your body heals for long-lasting results.

Cost & Convenience

While results can be good, out-of-town patients often face additional costs and inconveniences, including travel expenses, hotel stays, dining out, and bringing a companion for assistance.

Achieve great results without the added hassle—recover comfortably in your own home, with access to your own kitchen and support system, all without the extra travel and lodging costs.

Woman poking her butt

YOUR BBL in Destin

Surgical Standards & Expertise

Your procedure is performed in an accredited surgical facility by an experienced team that has completed thousands of BBL procedures. Your surgeon personally reviews your potential results using digital imaging before surgery.

Fat Purification & Graft Quality

Fat is suctioned into an advanced filtration system, ensuring that 95% of the injected fat cells are healthy and viable for optimal, long-term aesthetic results.

Injection Method

Ultrasound guidance is always used for the safest, most precise results.

Injection Management & Wound Care

Incisions are carefully closed, minimizing fluid leakage for a cleaner, more sanitary, and more comfortable recovery.

Recovery Environment

You recover in the comfort of your own home, ensuring a clean and familiar environment.

Fat Retention & Long-Term Results

Our expertise keeps your early results true to size; you'll lose about a 15% reduction in volume as your body heals for long-lasting results.

Cost & Convenience

Achieve great results without the added hassle—recover comfortably in your own home, with access to your own kitchen and support system, all without the extra travel and lodging costs.

A BBL in Miami

Surgical Standards & Expertise

Typically performed in surgery centers staffed by for-hire doctors and nurses with varying experience. Often, the surgeon is selected on the day of surgery.

Fat Purification & Graft Quality

Often uses standard fat grafting methods that include a mix of fat cells, damaged cells, and fluids. This variability in fat quality leads to less predictable and shorter-lasting results.

Injection Method

If available, ultrasound guidance might be used.

Injection Management & Wound Care

Injection site incisions are typically left open for fluid drainage, allowing fluid to leak on your bedding and clothing.

Recovery Environment

Recovery often involves staying in shared post-op accommodations where multiple patients have recovered in the same space.

Fat Retention & Long-Term Results

Early results appear larger due to significant post-procedure swelling; in many cases, about 50% to 60% of the initial fullness decreases as swelling subsides.

Cost & Convenience

While results can be good, out-of-town patients often face additional costs and inconveniences, including travel expenses, hotel stays, dining out, and bringing a companion for assistance.

How To Prepare for a Brazilian Butt Surgery

As a surgical procedure involving liposuction and fat grafting to augment the buttocks, preparing for your surgery is important. Here are a few ways you should prepare as your surgery date approaches.

1. Maintain a healthy diet.

Eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of water in the weeks leading up to your surgery will regulate your digestive system and help your body defend itself from infections. Additionally, a proper diet can help reduce swelling, inflammation, and scarring during recovery. Processed foods, especially carbohydrates like white bread, are known to increase inflammation. I recommend a balanced diet of fresh, natural foods before and after surgery.

2. Stock up on supplies.

As your surgery date approaches, make sure you have on hand all the necessary items you will need for an easy and comfortable recovery. Some of the most important supplies include antibacterial soap to minimize the risk of infection around your incisions, healthy snacks and easy-to-prepare meals, ice packs to manage any discomfort, a donut pillow to prevent direct pressure on your buttocks, and loose clothing. Don’t wait until the night before to gather these supplies—feeling rushed can cause unnecessary stress before the big day.

3. Just breathe.

Begin practicing relaxation techniques to help reduce anxiety. This will come in handy on the day of your surgery and also during recovery. I recommend meditation, breathing exercises, and restorative yoga. Doing research about your surgery and surgical team can help you know what to expect during and after the surgery and relax as well. I encourage you to ask questions and express any concerns before and after your procedure. Everyone at Destin Plastic Surgery is here to help and serve you.

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4. Don’t skip your workouts.

Prior to surgery, it is important to exercise so you can tone the muscles around your buttocks and upper legs. Patients who are in good cardiovascular shape and close to their ideal body weight tend to recover faster. Having a fitness base makes it easier to return to physical activity post-op and will help you reach your aesthetic goals. That being said, you must listen to your body. Do not overexert yourself too soon after your procedure. You can read more about exercising after your butt lift surgery in this blog post.

5. Avoid smoking.

This is mandatory for the weeks leading up to and following surgery. Patients for any cosmetic procedure should stay away from all nicotine products. Most surgeries involve reshaping or manipulating tissues to improve appearance, function, or both. This process requires ample blood supply. Nicotine causes the blood vessels to constrict and decreases blood flow, slowing down healing. It is essential for you to be honest about your smoking status, so your surgeon can plan accordingly.

For more information about the procedure, check out my previous blog post about Brazilian butt lifts at our Pensacola plastic surgery center. And if you want to see some of my patients’ results, take a look at these before-and-after photos. To learn more about your Brazilian butt lift options, request a consultation or call our office at (850) 654-1194.

2 Responses to How To Prepare Your Mind & Body Before a Brazilian Butt Lift

    • The Staff at Destin Plastic Surgery says:

      Hi Sarena,

      Dr. Burden prides himself on creating natural-looking results for his patients. If you’re interested in scheduling a consultation with him, please give us a call: (850) 654-1194. We would also be happy to answer any additional questions you might have.

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