Patients exploring their breast augmentation options face many decisions on the path to achieving their dream look. While implant size and placement certainly matter, so does choosing the right type of incision. After all, your breast implant incision ultimately impacts post-surgical scarring—one of the biggest concerns for most breast augmentation patients.
But patients who choose my innovative No Scar on the Breast® surgical technique don’t have to worry about unsightly scarring. With this game-changing surgical approach, you reap the benefits of faster healing and stunning results. Let’s explore the “no scar” surgical approach, also known as endoscopic transaxillary breast augmentation, including how it eases breast augmentation recovery.
What Is Transaxillary Breast Augmentation?
Endoscopic transaxillary (underarm) breast augmentation is a highly effective surgical approach that is also highly sought after, but few surgeons have the skill and training necessary to use this advanced technique. As one of the few board-certified plastic surgeons experienced in performing No Scar on the Breast surgery, I enjoy sharing its many benefits with my patients, women of all ages who want to improve their breast appearance and self-confidence.
The transaxillary approach is unique because your breast augmentation incisions are placed discreetly under the armpit area instead of in the breast crease (inframammary method) or around the areola (periareolar method), where resulting scars are visible on the breasts. I use a cutting-edge fiber-optic camera called an endoscope to visualize and navigate the implant placement precisely. I also utilize a device called a Keller Funnel® that allows me to insert the silicone or saline breast implant into the pocket without direct contact, which lowers the risk of bleeding and infection.
My book, Breast Augmentation With No Scar on the Breast, provides a comprehensive overview of this groundbreaking surgical technique.

No Scar on the Breast Surgery Benefits
Transaxillary breast augmentation offers women (and surgeons!) several appealing benefits, including:
- Optimal healing: Incisions are short, well-concealed in the armpit, and heal more cleanly and rapidly.
- Less overall risk: The surgical approach minimizes the risk of bleeding and infection.
- Versatile: This procedure can be performed using saline or silicone implants.
- Precise implant placement: Implants are precisely placed beneath the chest muscle. There’s also less risk of “bottoming out” or downward shifting of implants.
- Natural, long-lasting results: Women can showcase their scarless breasts with confidence for years.
- Supports breastfeeding: This type of breast augmentation reduces damage to breast tissue and nerves and preserves nipple sensation for women concerned about breastfeeding.
- Easier recovery window: Breast nerves and blood vessels are kept intact, resulting in less post-surgical bruising, swelling, and other potential post-op complications.
Your Transaxillary Breast Augmentation Recovery
Before undergoing any plastic surgery procedure, including armpit breast augmentation, it is essential to understand what to expect so you can plan for a smooth and successful recovery. Many women wonder how their endoscopic breast augmentation healing will compare to inframammary or periareolar breast surgery recovery. The good news is that precise implant placement and less trauma to the breast typically contribute to an easier recovery with the No Scar on the Breast method.
Here’s a general idea of what your accelerated breast augmentation recovery week by week entails with my transaxillary technique:
24 to 48 Hours Post Op:
- Upon arriving home, prioritize rest and rely on others to pitch in with household chores.
- You may experience minor discomfort, including achiness or soreness in the armpit area, for a few days. Take pain medications as prescribed.
- Understand that most discomfort occurs in the first 24 to 48 hours after surgery and will gradually taper off as the days progress.
- Keep your armpits dry and wear sleeveless garments to aid in incision recovery.
- Sleep on your back with your torso elevated.
Week 1 Post-Op:
- You can return to work in 3 to 4 days unless your job requires physical exertion.
- Most patients can resume daily activities, including driving and non-impact lower-body exercise.
- Avoid lifting—that includes raising your arms or lifting heavy objects.
- Minor swelling and bruising may peak during this window, but these symptoms are minimized using the endoscopic approach.
Week 2 Post-Op:
- You can resume shaving your armpits and applying deodorant.
- Bruising and swelling begin to resolve.
- Even though you feel “back to yourself,” be mindful that your incisions are still healing.
- Your breast implants may still appear to “sit high” on the chest but will gradually settle into a natural-looking position.
Weeks 3 Post-Op:
- You’re permitted to resume “impact” workouts.
- Your implants are continuing to settle nicely into place.
- Some patients detect a post-op breast augmentation gurgling sound due to residual air or fluid within the breast implant. (Not to worry—this is normal and gradually resolves within a few weeks.)
- Staying hydrated and maintaining a low-sodium diet aids the healing process.
Weeks 4 to 6 Post-Op:
- Congratulations—you’re in the final stages of healing!
- You can resume rigorous activities and workouts.
- Any residual swelling or bruising has significantly improved.
- Breast implants are almost fully settled into their natural position.
Weeks 6 to 12 Post-Op:
- It’s time to show off your transaxillary breast augmentation results with confidence!
- Enjoy the final results of your procedure—remember that your underarm transaxillary breast augmentation scars will be barely visible after 3 months.
- You can preserve the results of your No Scar on the Breast procedure by maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.

Is the Transaxillary Approach Used for All Types of Breast Surgery?
Thanks to my specialized training in fiber-optic endoscopic augmentation, I perform several types of breast implant surgeries using the transaxillary approach. Most women are suitable candidates for this technique. For example, underarm breast surgery helps women seeking breast augmentation revision and breast implant repositioning. Endoscopic breast augmentation is also an effective component of mommy makeover surgery. Regardless of your unique needs and goals, most women seek out the transaxillary approach because it delivers a faster recovery with scarring that isn’t visible on the breasts.
Explore “No Scar” Breast Augmentation
I’m passionate about bringing you advanced surgical techniques that help you feel more confident and beautiful. If you’re ready to begin your No Scar on the Breast transformation, let’s talk! Please request a consultation online or call our office at (850) 654-1194 to schedule an appointment.
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