Destin Plastic Surgery
4485 Furling Lane
Destin, FL 32541
Phone: (850) 654-1194
Monday–Thursday: 7 a.m.–5 p.m.
Friday 7 a.m.–2 p.m.
Anti Aging Skincare Clinic
4485 Furling Lane
Destin, FL 32541
Phone: (850) 654-8015
Monday–Thursday: 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
Friday 7:30 a.m.–2 p.m.
Brazilian Butt Lift
Florida is almost as famous for Brazilian butt lift procedures as Brazil, with patients traveling to Destin as well as Miami for this increasingly popular procedure. A Brazilian butt lift enhances one’s curves, a two-in-one procedure that gives you a smaller waist and larger, rounder buttocks! Dr. William R. Burden is a fully trained plastic surgeon, board certified in cosmetic surgery of the face, breast, and body. He is well-versed in this treatment’s innovative, specialized techniques, designed to enhance the curves of his patients from Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, Miramar Beach, Niceville, Panama City, and beyond with precision and low risk.
The SAFE BBL is performed under ultrasound guidance to ensure he places the fat grafts into the buttocks and avoids the muscle layer. Injection into the muscle layer could lead to fat embolism and should be avoided. Dr. Burden uses ultrasound for every case to complement safety and avoid muscle injection.
Dr. Burden’s experience using fat grafting techniques began more than 20 years ago when he used patients’ own fat for reconstructive plastic surgery, such as breast reconstruction. He adapted the technique for cosmetic surgery to enhance the face, hands, breasts, and body.
What Is A Brazilian Butt Lift?
This procedure removes excess adipose tissue (connective tissue that stores fat) from areas such as the hips, waist, tummy, and thighs and transfers it to add volume to the buttocks. The aesthetic results are fuller buttocks, a thinner waist, and more shapely thighs.
How Does Dr. Burden Get Purified Fat Grafts For The Brazilian Butt Lift?
Fat grafting involves harvesting fatty tissue from other areas of the body using specialized liposuction techniques. After processing the tissue to remove impurities and excess fluid, Dr. Burden methodically injects the purified fat into the buttocks using specialized fat grafting cannulas. He layers the fat methodically to ensure the enhanced contours of the buttocks appear smooth and natural.

Dr. Burden uses a highly advanced fat grafting system called REVOLVE™ to enhance the results of a Brazilian butt lift. Dr. Burden was one of the first in the nation and the first plastic surgeon in Florida to use this technology, which he also uses for breast enhancement procedures. The REVOLVE system processes fat tissue more quickly and yields a more purified fat graft, making each patient’s experience smoother and their results better. Dr. Burden has helped pioneer innovative fat harvesting devices, and Destin Plastic Surgery continues to be the first in new technology and advancements in plastic surgery.
What Is The REVOLVE Advantage?
Less swelling and NO drainage.
Dr. Burden places pure fat grafts without extra fluids and blood into the buttock tissues. Other surgeons inject grafts with fluids and cell particles, claiming they have injected a large volume of fat grafts. In reality, the amount of fat is sometimes only 50% of the volume injected. The patient has large buttocks immediately after the procedure, along with a lot of pain, but later the fluids are absorbed and the buttocks shrink.
Other surgeons leave the access incisions open to allow the fluids to drain out. That creates a huge mess. The patient has to sleep on towels and mats to soak up the fluids. The towels and mats have to be washed and changed. With the REVOLVE system, the incisions can be closed, and there is no drainage requiring towels and mats to soak up fluids draining from the incisions.
Dr. Burden once had a Brazilian butt lift patient whose roommate went to Miami to have her BBL done at the same time Dr. Burden’s patient was having her surgery in Destin. Although they both had similarly great results, Dr. Burden’s patient reported a much easier recovery. His patient didn’t have the pain from the swelling nor the hassle with towels and mats needing to be changed out due to the bloody drainage. His patient was very appreciative of the advanced care she received.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons® first reported in 2012 the number of fat grafting buttock augmentations performed in the U.S. Between 2014 and 2015, there was a nearly 30% increase in the number of procedures.

With over 2 decades of experience performing fat grafting, Dr. Burden has perfected the Brazilian butt lift procedure to consistently provide beautiful, long-lasting results. He shares his expertise in this engaging Q&A style resource for women considering the procedure.
Get Your BBL GuideHow Long Is The Typical Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery Time?
The initial recovery after a Brazilian butt lift takes about 2 weeks for most patients. During that time, bruising and swelling gradually resolve. It’s important to follow the postsurgical instructions provided by Dr. Burden, including wearing a special garment designed to reduce swelling and enhance the healing of the areas where he performed liposuction. You will have to avoid sitting directly on your buttocks for several weeks after surgery. Special pillows can help avoid putting direct pressure on the buttocks.

A BBL in Miami
YOUR BBL in Destin
Surgical Standards & Expertise
Typically performed in surgery centers staffed by for-hire doctors and nurses with varying experience. Often, the surgeon is selected on the day of surgery.
Your procedure is performed in an accredited surgical facility by an experienced team that has completed thousands of BBL procedures. Your surgeon personally reviews your potential results using digital imaging before surgery.
Fat Purification & Graft Quality
Often uses standard fat grafting methods that include a mix of fat cells, damaged cells, and fluids. This variability in fat quality leads to less predictable and shorter-lasting results.
Fat is suctioned into an advanced filtration system, ensuring that 95% of the injected fat cells are healthy and viable for optimal, long-term aesthetic results.
Injection Method
If available, ultrasound guidance might be used.
Ultrasound guidance is always used for the safest, most precise results.
Injection Incision Site Management & Wound Care
Injection site incisions are typically left open for fluid drainage, allowing fluid to leak on your bedding and clothing.
Incisions are carefully closed, minimizing fluid leakage for a cleaner, more sanitary, and more comfortable recovery.
Recovery Environment
Recovery often involves staying in shared post-op accommodations where multiple patients have recovered in the same space.
You recover in the comfort of your own home, ensuring a clean and familiar environment.
Fat Retention & Long-Term Results
Early results appear larger due to significant post-procedure swelling; in many cases, about 50% to 60% of the initial fullness decreases as swelling subsides.
Our expertise keeps your early results true to size; you'll lose about a 15% reduction in volume as your body heals for long-lasting results.
Cost & Convenience
While results can be good, out-of-town patients often face additional costs and inconveniences, including travel expenses, hotel stays, dining out, and bringing a companion for assistance.
Achieve great results without the added hassle—recover comfortably in your own home, with access to your own kitchen and support system, all without the extra travel and lodging costs.

YOUR BBL in Destin
Surgical Standards & Expertise
Your procedure is performed in an accredited surgical facility by an experienced team that has completed thousands of BBL procedures. Your surgeon personally reviews your potential results using digital imaging before surgery.
Fat Purification & Graft Quality
Fat is suctioned into an advanced filtration system, ensuring that 95% of the injected fat cells are healthy and viable for optimal, long-term aesthetic results.
Injection Method
Ultrasound guidance is always used for the safest, most precise results.
Injection Management & Wound Care
Incisions are carefully closed, minimizing fluid leakage for a cleaner, more sanitary, and more comfortable recovery.
Recovery Environment
You recover in the comfort of your own home, ensuring a clean and familiar environment.
Fat Retention & Long-Term Results
Our expertise keeps your early results true to size; you'll lose about a 15% reduction in volume as your body heals for long-lasting results.
Cost & Convenience
Achieve great results without the added hassle—recover comfortably in your own home, with access to your own kitchen and support system, all without the extra travel and lodging costs.
A BBL in Miami
Surgical Standards & Expertise
Typically performed in surgery centers staffed by for-hire doctors and nurses with varying experience. Often, the surgeon is selected on the day of surgery.
Fat Purification & Graft Quality
Often uses standard fat grafting methods that include a mix of fat cells, damaged cells, and fluids. This variability in fat quality leads to less predictable and shorter-lasting results.
Injection Method
If available, ultrasound guidance might be used.
Injection Management & Wound Care
Injection site incisions are typically left open for fluid drainage, allowing fluid to leak on your bedding and clothing.
Recovery Environment
Recovery often involves staying in shared post-op accommodations where multiple patients have recovered in the same space.
Fat Retention & Long-Term Results
Early results appear larger due to significant post-procedure swelling; in many cases, about 50% to 60% of the initial fullness decreases as swelling subsides.
Cost & Convenience
While results can be good, out-of-town patients often face additional costs and inconveniences, including travel expenses, hotel stays, dining out, and bringing a companion for assistance.
What Can I Expect For My Brazilian Butt Lift Results?
Even though the first couple of weeks can be a bit inconvenient, the results exceed the expectations of most of our patients. Clothes fit better, and women say they can wear low-waisted slacks and jeans without having a “muffin top.” Their buttocks fill out the seat of the pants much better, and their choice of bathing suits is greater.
More FAQs
Is Fat Grafting A New Butt Augmentation Technique?
No. Years ago, experienced plastic surgeons began using fat grafting — sometimes called fat transfer — to help restore facial and body shapes for patients who suffered a traumatic injury. Additionally, autologous fat (a patient’s own fat) has been used for years as a facial filler. It has only recently become popular for buttock enhancement, but it is a tried-and-true technique that is only getting better over time.
Is A Brazilian Butt Lift Good For Sagging Buttocks?
The name of the procedure is actually somewhat misleading because fat grafting (or implants) adds volume to the buttocks, but it doesn’t actually lift the area. The skin of the buttocks should be relatively elastic. Patients with sagging buttocks may want to consider surgery that repositions and tightens the skin.
When Can I Resume Exercising After A Brazilian Butt Lift?
It’s important to avoid any strenuous activities for about 4 weeks, especially any type of bouncing or other high-impact exercising. After a month, you can gradually resume your exercise routine. Start out slow with walking at a brisk pace and work up to running or other cardiovascular workouts.
Can I Have Other Procedures Done At The Same Time?
Absolutely. Patients who want additional body contouring treatments may combine a Brazilian butt lift with procedures such as a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, or breast lift.
For more information about the Brazilian butt lift, request a consultation online or call our office at (850) 654-1194. We provide first-class services for patients from cities such as Panama City and Pensacola, Florida, as well as neighboring states and international locations.